Online Class Notes (Joe)


ground – the same vowel from the first part of ‘mountain’.

hike – the same vowel sound as ‘bike’

fry – the same vowel sound as ‘try’


I never been there
I have never been there

I didn’t been there
I didn’t go there


sausages (noun)
In some languages, there are different words for different kinds of ‘sausage’.
In English, there are many kinds of sausages.

consist (verb) – made of
What do these arrepas consist of?
These arrepas consist mostly of corn flour and milk

grill (verb) – parrillada
You can grill arrepas

grilled (adj)
I like grilled arrepas

grind (verb) (present tense) – pulverizar
I usually grind coffee beans

ground (verb) (past tense)
I ground corn yesterday

ground (adj)
I have some ground corn

the Andes mountains (noun phrase)
I went hiking on the Andes mountains.

altitude sickness (noun phrase) mal de altura
Altitude sickness is unbearable