Online Class Notes (Joe)


writing – say the hard /t/ sound to avoid saying ‘riding’.

provide – has a soft /ə/ in the first syllable. it’s not an /o/ sound

Polite – has a soft /ə/ in the first syllable. it’s not an /o/ sound

simultaneously – sai mil tay nee yis lee

Exact – egg zakt

Coincidence – co win si dins


Vocation – the main career of your life

Give (verb) : To transfer something from one person to someone else. It’s a general term for handing over an item.

Provide (verb) : Also means to transfer something to someone, but it often implies a sense of fulfilling a need or requirement. While only a person can give you something, a class can provide something.

Address (verb) : communicate in a formal or respectful manner. It involves using the correct form of a name, title, or a specific way of referring to someone.

opponent (noun) – the other player in a sport or game

coincidence (noun) – two things happening at the same time, by chance / coincidentally (adv)  / coincidental (adj)

coincidentally (adv)


I learned how to call their name
I learned what to call them
I learned how to address them

This class give me some template
This class provided me with a template