Online Class Notes (Joe)


request (noun/verb) – the act of asking
They want me to help them with their request
They requested that I help them with the process

rescue (noun/verb) – to save someone who was in danger
The rescue took 4 hours
They rescued 3 men from the mountain

relaxed (adjective) – feeling
I am more relaxed at home than at work

relaxing (adjective) – characteristic
It is relaxing at home

remind (verb) – help someone remember
She reminded me of the meeting


I have boxing
I went boxing

He requested us do that
He requested we do that

something plus something
How much does a desk plus a chair cost?

add something to something
If you add a chair to your order, it will cost a little more


exercise ˈɛksəsaɪz

recommend ˌrɛkəˈmɛnd