Online Class Notes (Joe)


quit – /kwɪt/

quite – /kwʌɪt/


I can’t believe it – Now
I couldn’t believe it – before

I’m not sure he said that it’s real, or it’s true, or it’s a joke
I’m not sure if he was being serious

In that story, the other department boss wants me to go there
The point of that story was that the other department boss wants me to go there

The company this request didn’t approve
The company didn’t approve this request

Next Saturday, he will bought the flight ticket
Next Saturday, he will buy the flight ticket

I am the last one who knew
I am the last one who found out
I was the last one to know


German – adjective / personal noun (someone)
German beer is delicious
There is a German living in the hotel

Germany – noun (country)
There is an exhibition in Germany

rant (verb / noun)
He ranted for a while
He went on a rant