Online Class Notes (Joe)


they gotten the covid
they have gotten covid

his department need to assistant exhibition in german
his department needs someone to assist them with an exhibition in Germany

he want me to can go to germany with his group for one week
he wants me to go to Germany with his group for one week

he told me he will told my boss
he told me he will tell my boss

his assistant don’t go to germany
his assistant won’t go to germany

he wants me can introduce our company
he wants me to introduce our company
he wants to know if I can introduce our company


degrees celsius – measurement of temperature
What is the temperature?
It’s 7 degrees celsius.

manager (noun)
The manager asked me to go on a trip

manage (verb)
He manages a different department

assistant (noun)
His assistant will not go on the trip

assist (verb)
He wants me to assist him


aboard (on a ship/plane/train) /əˈbɔːd/

abroad (in another country) /əˈbrɔːd/