Online Class Notes (Joe)


German doctors are used to advise people to drive cola
German doctors usually advise people to drive cola

used to + verb 4 (e.g. used to playing)
used to + noun (e.g. used to cold weather)
When we use the phrase ‘used to’ in this way it means that something usually happened in the past but doesn’t happen anymore.
I used to play with my brother when I was a child.

When she felt her leg is not good, she went to the clinic
When she hurt her leg, she went to the clinic


hurt (verb)
I hurt my leg (usually less serious)

hurt (adj)
My leg is hurt (usually more serious)

receipt (noun) – what you get when you buy something and pay for it
I lost my receipt so I can’t return the clothes to the store

prescription (noun) – the paper the doctor gives you to tell you what medicine you need
The doctor gave me a prescription for some flu medicine

utterly (adv) – completely (usually negative)
I am utterly exhausted