Online Class Notes (Joe)

Today we focused on:

We practiced some general conversation questions


What’s new = What has happened in your life recently? (Different from how are you?)
A: What’s new?
B: I’ve just come back from holiday. It was amazing!

join (verb) – to become part of something (this only happens for a moment)
You cannot say “I joined this company since March”
You can say “I have worked for this company since March”
You can say “I joined this company in March”

via (preposition) – through
We communicate via Wechat

Affirmative = Yes (formal)
Negative = No (formal)

You’ve hit the nail on the head = What you said is 100% correct

Nothing comes to mind = I don’t have anything to say right now / I don’t have any questions right now


I speak full sentences
I use full sentences
I speak in full sentences

When I first joined this company, I feel a little bit suffered because, at that time, I was locked down at home.
When I first joined this company, I felt a little bit miserable because, at that time, I was under lockdown at home.

I have never met my colleagues before (until now)
I had never met my colleagues before  (until a point in the past)

We just worked together in the internet
We just worked together on the internet

I spent 6 months to familiar my project and learn how to communicate with my colleague
I spent 6 months to familiarize myself with my project and learn how to communicate with my colleague


conversation – this word has an /s/ sound. it does not have a /z/ sound

absolutely /ˈabsəluːtli/