Online Class Notes (Joe)


To verify – To confirm the truthfulness of something
Can you verify that you sent that email?

To validate – To conform that something is correct / logical / legal
I can’t validate the decision because I think it was the wrong choice.

To validate – (special meaning relating to computers) – the process of documenting that a computer system meets a set of defined system requirements.

To populate – (special meaning relating to computers) – to automatically add information to a list or table on a computer
The spreadsheat has been populated.

batch – a group of the same kinds of things that were made at roughly the same time (This can be any number)
I’m going to make a batch of cookies this afternoon.

It looks like / seems like

Difference in certainty:
When we say “it looks like”, we are talking about a quick visual inspection.The implication is that this is a brief, “at a glance” impression, and while we have some confidence we are not absolutely certain. “It looks like” is usually used to imply something we are almost certain about. When we say “it seems like”, we are focusing on the impression given by the subject. There is more doubt implied in this phrasing, because it suggests you may be deceived, where “it looks like” suggests you think you are correct, while it seems like implies that you are not sure.

Difference in what we can talk about:
We can use ‘look’ to describe the way someone’s appearance. For example, you can say ‘he looks handsome’. We can use ‘seem’ to describe what we think about someone’s personality after a brief meeting. For example, you can say ‘she seems nice but I don’t know her very well’.


Would your Friday morning work out?
Would Friday morning work for you?

I really like the tool you demo from with the added animations.
I really like the tool with the added animations that you use for the demo