Online Class Notes (Joe)

Today we focused on:

Today we talked about a movie and discussed using the present simple and past simple to talk about stories.


what’s new? – An informal greeting asking the other person what has recently happened in their life.
Hi Echo. What’s new?
Hey Joe. Not much. I just had a meeting and watched a movie. What’s new with you?

wake / woke / woken
I usually wake up at 8
I woke up at 9 this morning

comedy (noun)
It’s a comedy movie

normal – not strange
the movie is about normal people (maybe they are not disabled)

ordinary – not special
the movie is about ordinary people (maybe they are not rich or famous)

backfire – go the opposite way than expected
The plan to lose money backfired and he made more money.


suddenly, he get rich
suddenly, he gets rich

he get a billion from his grandfather
he gets a billion from his grandfather

but he even don’t know him
but he even doesn’t know him

his grandfather said if he spend 1 billion with a month, he will get the rest of his money
his grandfather said if he spends 1 billion with a month, he will get the rest of his money


We don’t say ‘four fifty”. This is very unusual and people may think you mean “4:15”.
The correct way to say this is “ten to five”

comedy /ˈkɒmɪdi/