Online Class Notes (Joe)


show /ʃəʊ/

museum /mjuːˈzɪəm/


funny – makes you laugh
I like funny jokes

fun – something you enjoy
Playing golf is fun

drop off – take someone/something to a place and leave it/them there
My mom dropped me off at school when I was a child

Get away – to leave to go somewhere for a break or holiday
After the lockdown is over, some people may get away to Hainan for a week

See off – to go the place someone is leaving from to say goodbye
My friends usually see me off at the airport

Set out – to start a journey
I will set out to Kutaisi on Monday and arrive on Tuesday


It makes me feel boring
It makes me feel bored

Remember that adjectives ending with ‘ed’ usually mean it’s a feeling while adjectives in ‘ing’ usually mean it’s a characteristic.

On / In/ At
At + o’clock
On + days
In + weeks / months / years