Online Class Notes (Joe)

Today we focused on:

We talked about Turkey and discussed some features of relationships.


compliment (v) – what you say about someone’s traits / appearance
My friend complimented the man but he misunderstood

praise (v) – what you say about someone’s performance / actions
Whenever I got a good score for a test my mom would praise me

safe (adj)
I didn’t feel safe there

safety (n)
There is safety in numbers

we didn’t stand on the same line
we weren’t on the same page
we weren’t on the same wavelength

he made a one night stand offer
he wanted to have a one night stand with her
he propositioned her

que sera sera (expression used in English – even though it uses Spanish words, it is meaningless in Spanish and is only used in English)
Whatever will be will be, the future’s not ours to see. Que sera sera.


praise – /preɪz/

prise – /prʌɪz/

compliment – /ˈkɒmplɪm(ə)nt/