Online Class Notes (JJ)


Many things can use the poster to say. —> You can use posters to present many things.
The straw is use to drink. —> The straw is used for drinking.
Do bad thing’s people need be punish —> People who do bad things need to be punished.


sit still: 坐很久

run around: 跑来跑去

motivation: 动力

motor: 马达

reward: 奖励

deadline: 期限

try hard: 努力

strangers: 陌生人

pal: 朋友

marshmallow: 棉花糖

caramel: 焦糖

mouth watering: 让人流口水的

secret: 秘密

tie: 绑

torture: 折磨


Review vocabulary words from today’s lesson and reading.

Start next time:!-pdf-dan-gutman.html?page=11&part=1