Online Class Notes (JJ)


Sentence revision:

The tunnel is very hard to have. —> The tunnel is very hard to build.
The bad people need go in the prison. —> The bad people need to go to prison.
The truth can’t be lie easy to cover. —> The truth cannot be covered by lies.

need to + 动词

Ex: I need to eat.

We need to write homework.

They need to play basketball.


punching bag: 沙袋

snowboarding: 滑雪

poster: 海报

feel sorry for someone: 同情,可怜某人

take a seat: 坐下

punish: 惩罚

straw: 吸管

stole: steal 的过去式 (偷)

mad: 生气

chin: 下巴

out of control: 失控

young: 年轻

used to be: 以前怎们怎么样

actually: 其实

opposite: 相反!-pdf-dan-gutman.html?page=10&part=2