Online Class Notes (JJ)

Homework revision:

The phone’s screen is not hard. —> The phone screen is not too hard.

The promise is can’t easy violation. —> The promise can’t be easily violated.

The eyes need wink. —> You need to wink with your eyes.


不能怎么样: cannot/can’t be + 形容词

Ex: I cannot be/can’t be late.

I can’t be unhappy/I can’t be sad.

He can’t be angry.

They can’t be on time.

需要做什么:need to + 动词

Ex: I need to do homework.

Karl needs to play games.

Miss Daisy needs to read.

We need to bathe/shower.

Start reading Mr. Klutz Is Nuts


nuts: crazy 疯子

flying: 可以飞的

watch out: 注意!

scream: 大叫

sidewalk: 人行道

skateboard: 滑板

speed: 速度

hill: 坡

parents: 家长

out of control: 失控

in control: 有控制的

serious: 严肃

dignified: 端庄的

grown up: 大人

grown up kid: 大孩子

motorcycle: 模特车

run for your lives: 为了逃命快逃!

crack: 裂缝

directions: 方向

helmet: 头盔

knee pads: 护膝

elbow pads: 护手肘

alive: 活着

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