Online Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

The price has raised up 20%. I got the 户口 very easy. The guy she cheated on .. The girl was lie by her boyfriend. The basic materials (of Western food) …


The price has increased by 20%. I got my residency very easily. The guy she cheated on her husband with…The girl was deceived by her boyfriend. The basic ingredients (of Western food)…


scape goat: 替罪羔羊

traumatizing: something terrifying that has happened and has scarred the person for a long period of time

trauma: a really terrifying incident that has happened and affects a person emotionally, mentally and even physically

PTSD: 留下阴影的症状

anal: adj. 难题头的,很难讲话,很不好相处的人, someone acting like an asshole

cube: 方体的

uni: 海胆

lean: 纯瘦肉