Online Class Notes (JJ)


arithmetic: 算数

Principal: 校长

one bit: 一点点

wouldn’t bother me one bit: 一点都不影响我

announce: 宣布

scratch: 抓,挠

wrinkling up: 皱起


beat me to it: 比我抢先一步

get called on: 被老师提名发言

crayons: 蜡笔

puzzled: 困惑的

explain: 解释

dirt bike: 越野模特车

subtract: 减去

row: 排(一排)

accordion: 手风琴

gather: 聚集

no matter: 不管

break the rules: 不遵守规则

rules: 规则,规矩

get locked up: 被关起来

forced: 被迫

best behavior: 最好的表现

mature: 成熟的

cheerfully: 兴高采烈的

halls: 走廊

chew gum: 嚼口香糖

bubble gum: 泡泡糖

staring: 盯着

mean face: 凶的脸

chuckle: 笑声

shave: 剃头!-pdf-dan-gutman.html?page=9&part=2

“That’s the saddest story I ever heard!” said this girl named Emily, and she burst into tears.