Online Class Notes (JJ)


productive: 有效率的

Ex: I’m usually not productive when I’m working from home.



Ex: Box dyes are usually not long-lasting.

stain: 染色

Ex:Wine colored hair often stains pillows when you sleep.

How long does your perm last? 你烫的头发可以维持多久?

scalp: 头皮

sake bomb: 清酒炸弹

soju bomb: 烧酒炸弹

It will be implemented by periods. 分阶段执行

to test the water: 测水温

equal wealth: 平等的富裕

subordinates: 下属

hold their hand every step of the way: 手把手扶持每一步

social butterfly

he made his way to the front page of Weibo.

His news went viral

bring him down: 把他拉下水

badass: 牛逼

Ex: You’re such a badass.