Online Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

to shooting a commercial —> to shoot a commercial

we take the taxi to different home —> we took the taxi to go to our separate homes


humid: 潮湿

Ex: Shanghai is very humid.

humidity level:湿度

workload: 工作量

Ex: very heavy workload

riverside: 河边

to have goosebumps: 起鸡皮疙瘩

to lose faith in humanity: 对人类失去信心

Ex: After reading the news in the last few days, I lost faith in humanity.

faith in humanity restored: 对人类的信心恢复了

Ex: This week, my faith in humanity has been restored.

She called it: 她预测的很对

fuckboy: 渣男

softboy: 表面看上去暖男的渣男

to get off:下车

thigh: 大腿

thick-skinned: 脸皮厚的

toxic: 有毒的(环境,现象,物质)

Ex: It’s a very toxic environment.