Online Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

We help our clients to find the right experts. I was promoted as team leader 2.5 years ago. I’m trying to find something new. Firstly I’m going to visit my mother in law and then I’m going to spend two days with them. And then I’m going to my hometown in Guangzhou.


(…) two and a half years ago. I’m trying to find something more challenging and exciting. My body conditions are deteriorating. 


When talking about the time or duration: never use two point five to describe two and a half years

Use decimals when talking about distance or any type of measurements:

Ex: The distance between my home and my work is two point five kilometres.


worship: pray or pay respect to a specific god/deity

Ex: Yancy went to worship Guanyin when she went to Hangzhou two weeks ago.

Chinese medicine: 中医

Prescription: 处方

Eye prescription: 眼镜的度数

Ex: JJ’s eye prescription is -9 on the left side and -8.5 on the right side.

JJ’s prescription is very high.

Astigmatism: 散光

Ex: I have near-sightedness with a little bit of astigmatism.

Near-sightedness: 近视

Laser treatment: 激光治疗

Lasik: the specific surgery to correct near-sightedness

Genetics: 遗传

Ex: There’s nothing you can do to prevent your near-sightedness from worsening because often times, it is genetics.

Gain weight vs. get fat 

Corporate: adj. 企业化的

Corporation: 公司,企业/company


Write a paragraph about your goals for 2021 :).