Online Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

I could have … —> I could have come to class

they have many stores


weight lifting: 举重

sore: 酸痛的

period cramp: 经痛

homebody: 喜欢宅在家里的人

Ex: I’m such a homebody.

glass tupperware: glass container to put food in

fragrant: 很香的 (花香的)

blended: 搅拌的

to blend

Ex: The coffee and the sugar are not blended well.

to have good alcohol tolerance

to hold one’s liquor

hard liquor: 烈酒

bestseller: 招牌

truffle: 黑松露

anti-aging: 抗老化

Ex: Truffle has anti-aging effects.

toppings: 料

Ex: What toppings do you like to add to your bubble tea?

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coupon: 苦-pong

latte: 啦-tei