Online Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

make me not focus on the class —> make me feel distracted in class

are the questions relevant to the next one —> are the questions related to the next one

I want to be a hidden person —> I want to be invisible 

I want to live health and long —> I want to live a long and healthy life 

working day —> work day

I’ve been worked at my last company —> I’ve been working for my last company

watch the concert —> attend the concert/go to the concert 

feel very 空虚 —> feel a void/feel empty

I knew I was going to see them very fast —> I knew I was going to see them very soon 

if I did something that didn’t satisfy him —> if I did something that he wasn’t satisfied with


hidden: heee-den

changed: chan-jd


invisibility: n. 隐形的状态

Ex: Laura wants to gain invisibility if possible so that she can see how others are living their lives without them seeing her.

vision: 视力

visual: 视觉上的

visible: 能看见的

invisible: 不能看见的

life span: 寿命

touristy: 有很多游客的

Ex: Paris is very touristy, especially around the Eiffel Tower.

accomplishment: 成就

take a leap of faith: 没有想太多,就相信命运相信自己

Ex: Laura took a leap of faith last year and resigned from her work at her old company.

muster the courage: 鼓起勇气

Ex: Laura mustered all her courage and decided to quit her job last year.

treasured: 珍贵的

nostalgic: 怀旧的,想念过去的

up and coming: starting to become famous

scalpers: 黄牛

to curse: 骂脏话

to be satisfied with something/someone: 对某个东西/某个人满意

Ex: I was very satisfied with my recent job.

a ray of sunshine: 一丝阳光

Ex: For Laura, friendship is like a ray of sunshine. It brings her joy, warmth and comfort.

trustworthy: 值得被信任的

judgemental: 有很多意见和评价的


Write about one thing that you really want to do this summer.