Online Class Notes (JJ)

Worksheet: Fifteen days of the Chinese New Year


prepared: 做好准备的

cutouts: 剪纸

Ex: Many families make cutouts on Chinese New Year.

sweep: 扫地

Ex: Richard sometimes sweeps the floor at home.

mop: 拖地,拖把

Ex: Richard never mops the floor at home.

dust: 灰尘,去除灰尘

Ex: I dusted the floor under the sofa.

company: 客人

Ex: We had company a month ago when cousin visited.

greet: 打招呼,拜访

Ex: Yesterday, JJ greeted her friend on the street.

pray: 祈祷

Ex: People in China usually go to temples to pray.

crops: 稻子

on display: 摆出来的

through: 直到。。。

Ex: People will be feasting during Chinese New Year holidays from day 10 through 12.

parade: 游行

Jade: 翡翠,宝玉

emperor: 皇帝

Jade emperor: 玉皇大帝

offerings: 贡品

custom: tradition, 习俗

Ex: The Lantern Festival is a custom right after Chinese New Year.

feast: 大吃特吃,吃大餐

Ex: Richard had a feast two weeks ago in a shopping mall and he ate a lot of beef.

pork: 猪肉

brew: 泡茶

Ex: Richard’s mom likes to brew tea at night.

mustard: 芥末

prepare: 准备

They see at the end of the last day a Chinese dragon and fireworks.

At the end of the last day, they will see a Chinese dragon and fireworks.


Review the words learned today and write about what you are excited about for Chinese New Year.