Online Class Notes (Jesse)[30]


birth mark – the thing that Nona has on her face
eg. I have a birth mark on my face

appear – it comes out
disappear – you can’t see it anymore
reappear – you can see it again

microscope – put on the desk (really really small things)
magnifying glass – hold in your hand (anything)

England – pounds
US / AUS / Canada / HK – dollars – $
Japan – Yen
China – RMB / Yuan / Kuai

sorry mate, we can’t help ya

Writing exercise

The man shows MB a map and a weather app which are on the phone and tells Mb it’s going to rain. The man and MB who doesnt believe him walk out of the park however suddenly it begins to rain so they have to run to the phone shop smart phones. MB sees a lot of phones in the shop. One can show and hide, one is under a mirror and is really small which MB takes and makes a loud music. MB plays it but the shop assistant stops him.

The man shows MB a map and a weather app which are on the phone and tells Mb it’s going to rain (but he doesn’t believe him). The man and MB who doesn’t believe him walk out of the park however suddenly it begins to rain so they have to run to the phone shop, (which is) called “smart phones”. MB sees a lot of phones in the shop. One can disappear and reappear, one is under a magnifying glass and is really small which MB takes and plays loud music. MB plays with it but the shop assistant stops him.

Speaking exercise

The man tells the shop assistant MB wants a phone which is like his. Then the shop assistant shows MB a lot of phones but MB looks at the price and he thinks it’s too expensive so he is annoyed. The SA says to him “sorry mate, we can’t help ya” so MB goes out of the shop and goes home. He has an idea. He takes his old phone, his camera, and some sticky tapes. Then he sticks his camera on his phone and takes a photo.

The man tells the shop assistant MB wants a phone which is like his. Then the shop assistant shows MB a lot of phones but he looks at the price and he thinks it’s too expensive so he is annoyed. The SA says to him “sorry mate, we can’t help ya” so he goes out of the shop and goes home. He has an idea which is to take his old phone, his camera, and some sticky tape / a roll of sticky tape. Then he sticks his camera on his phone and takes a photo.