Online Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


blender – sth you use to make smoothies
eg. I use a blender to make my smoothie

grinder – sth you use to make coffee beans

do the laundry – wash your clothes

pushed in line in front of the little boy

open the till / open the register

I take it back home / I am back home / I bring it back home

natural history museum

Speaking exercise

He’s very hot and he saw a ice cream van and a little kid and Mr bean saw it and wants to buy one. Mr Bean points at the ice cream he wants and the ice cream maker make the one he wants and give it to him but Mr Bean didn’t bring any moneys and the ice cream man gave the ice cream to the little kid, so he is very angry. He goes home and takes his money and back to the ice cream van and he saw there’s many children wait in line so he should wait. When it’s almost his turn the ice cream man said it’s closed and he can only buy it later, and the ice cream man took out his newspaper and his lunch. Mr Bean wants the ice cream but he can’t because there’s too many children so he is making the ice cream for him and maybe he won’t have any ice cream at all. Many children want ice cream and he gets much moneys. In the end there’s no ice cream left and he can’t have any.

He’s very hot and he saw an ice cream van and a little kid and Mr bean saw it and wants to buy one. Mr Bean points at the ice cream he wants / would like / prefers and the ice cream man / waiter makes the one he wants and gives it to him but Mr Bean didn’t bring any money and the ice cream man gives the ice cream to the little kid, so he is very angry. He goes home and brings his money back to the ice cream van and he sees there’s many children waiting in line so he should wait too. When it’s almost his turn the ice cream man says it’s closed and he can only buy it later / he must wait to buy it / he can’t buy it now, and the ice cream man takes out his newspaper and his lunch. Mr Bean wants the ice cream but he can’t because there’s too many children so he makes the ice cream for them and maybe he won’t have any ice cream at all. Many children want ice cream and he gets a lot of money / he gets lots of money. In the end there’s no ice cream left and he can’t have any.