Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review

How are you?
I’m good!

How are you?
Pretty good!

See you next time! Bye! 

who – shui
eg. Who are you?
where – zai na li
eg. Where are you?


dirty < > clean


wash – xi

bucket – tong

soap – fei zao

use – yong

because – yin wei
eg. They say “oh dear” because he is in the water
so – suo yi
why? – wei shenme
eg. He is dirty because he is in the water and the water is dirty.

boat – chuang


Speaking exercise

The dog is dirty and he is big and he is in the park.
The boy is clean and he is big and he is in the park.
He is washing his dog and the dog is in the water. The boy uses soap to wash his dog so the dog is clean and he is happy


I want to drink water
I need to drink water
I like to drink water

How many sheep are there?
1 = there is one sheep
2 = there are 2 sheep
3 = there are 3 sheep

I am next to you
Mum is next to me
The girl is next to the boy