Online Class Notes (Jesse) [217]

Selene adverbs-&-synonymous adjectives-for-the-sake-of-adverbs-&-synonymous-adjectives-crazy-unwilling-to-do-homework-mozzarella-cheese-munching-and-face-slapping-sleepy-not-paying-attention-doggy-loving-water-obsessed-fishy-cookie-water-drinking-whilst-laughing-weirdest-cutie-pie-toilet-going-animal-loving-everything-wanting-to-eat-always-hungry-making-jesse-type-a-lot-Krazy-with-a-K-sticky-sour-between-clean-and-dirty-reading-lover-miming-monkey-Kwok 

Speaking exercise

Then he ran around like a crazy monkey but much more crazier than an original crazy monkey (Selene is silly). MB yelled “someone stole the picture!! Oh no!!” and he spotted his jacket and quickly grabbed it in a flash, with him being very frantic. As quick as possible, he ran out of the museum. While MB was shouting like crazy the thief drove his car away while the parking inspector was writing something down. MB ran towards his car as the parking inspector was saying “no no no don’t do that!!” / was warning him not to drive away cause she’s thinking MB will run over the guy who was fixing the car / the mechanic. MB opened, then closed the car door while he got / hopped / climbed inside. MB drove over the decoy legs and the parking inspector fainted but MB didn’t care and quickly chased after the thief. They chased around 12 roundabouts and 16 bridges. Finally MB emerged behind the thief’s car. As the thief spotted MB, he sped up / accelerate so MB was trying to overtake him. But then, just about when MB’s car was going to overtake / pass the thief’s car, a truck suddenly drove towards MB, so he had to swerve, or else they will have a head-on-collision.


eg. they drive around the roundabout

eg. MB wants to overtake the thief

eg. he swerves to avoiding hitting the truck which is red, big, old and in front of him

head-on-collision – when 2 cars hit the front of each other

collide – v
collision – n

the passengers are boarding the plane

mime – an actor that acts without any sound

tablet – things like ipad