Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

Recently, the China government called on residents to take covid19 vaccines soon, and some of the residents doubted about the result of the vaccines, as well as they discussed the efficacy rate of different kinds of vaccines. And I thought the discussion is not only happened in China, but also in other countries. Yesterday I watched a video which was about vaccine. In the video, it mentioned the ranking of efficacy rate of different kinds of Vaccines, from the list you could find that Pfizer’s efficacy rate was 95% , Moderna was 94% while Johnson & Johnson was only 66%. However, some scientists jumped out and mentioned that the ranking were not the standard to judge as every kinds of Vaccines took the clinical trial in different period and different locations, for example, Pifizer and Moderna were developed based on the original US covid19 virus and all trails were done in US, but Johnson and Johnson’s were developed after the variant strains existed, and some trials were made in other countries, so they were not in the same page. On the other hand, due to the fact that most of people thought they would get no infections if they took the vaccines, scientist clarified the use of vaccines: Vaccines can help you lessen symptoms when you have an infection, just like a cold, so that you don’t die, but it can’t not ensure you will not be infected.

Recently, the China government called on residents to take covid19 vaccines soon, and some of the residents doubted about the result / effectiveness of the vaccines, as well as discussing the efficacy rate of different kinds of vaccines. And I’m sure the discussion has not only been happening in China, but also in other countries. Yesterday I watched a video which was about vaccines. In the video, it mentioned the ranking of efficacy rates of different kinds of Vaccines, and from the list you could find / see that Pfizer’s (“fai zer”) efficacy rate was 95% , Moderna‘s was 94% while Johnson & Johnson‘s was only 66%. However, some scientists jumped out and mentioned that the rankings were not the standard to judge as every kind of Vaccine took the clinical trial in different periods and different locations, for example, Pifizer and Moderna were developed based on the original US covid19 virus and all trials were done in the US, but Johnson and Johnson’s were developed after the variant strains existed, and some trials were made in other countries, so they were not on the same page. On the other hand, due to the fact that most of people thought they would get no infections if they took the vaccines, scientist clarified the use of vaccines: Vaccines can help you lessen / avoid serious symptoms when you have an infection, just like a cold, so that you don’t die, but it can’t not ensure you will not be infected.


send aid – government help / food / medicines

they do it like a well oiled machine – super efficiently / well organised
eg. the Chinese government is like a well oiled machine sometimes

it will result in only minor symptoms

open the subtitles – show the subtitles / turn on the subtitles


far away to your house – far away from your house

if you doubt with something if you doubt sth 

i went to the shops to shop something to buy something 

everything is in processeverything is on track 

the covid 19 has got some case in GZthere are some COVID19 cases in GZ 

we need to take it for twice – we need to take it twice 

it’s different of normal – it’s different to / from normal