Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus

“And some of us,” she sang,


content – happy
continent – a big part of the earth

nervewracking – sth that makes you feel nervous 
eg. tests are very nervewracking
eg2. I’m one of the only students that doesn’t get nervous before tests!

the rabbit bounded
eg story sentences. 2 hunters went to the forest and they saw a bush was shaking. The first hunter said “What is your prediction?”. Then the 2nd man said “my prediction is a rabbit is bounding because there is a cheetah chasing him, but actually there is a tiger chasing the cheetah, so the cheetah is running away!!”. So then the rabbit thought the cheetah was chasing him!

dominate – to be the biggest, strongest, and win by a lot
eg. the dinosaurs were being dominated by volcanic eruption or by the asteroid which hit the earth a long time ago.

looooooo X 4,003,400……ng time ago

100 – 1 hundred
1000 – 1 thousand
10,000 – 10 thousand
100,000 – 100 thousand
1,000,000 – 1 million
10,000,000 – 10 million
100,000,000 – 100 million
1,000,000,000 – 1 billion
1,000,000,000,000 – 1 trillion
1,000,000,000,000,000 – 1 quadrillion
1,000,000,000,000,000,000 – 1 quintilion

the forest canopy

perilously / dangerously 



pick the strings


Speaking exercise

Mr Bean gets a brush and dips the paint. Next he wants to stick the wallpaper to attach the wall but before he could grab the white wallpaper then paint it scrapper which is Mrs Wicket’s cat paws on the wallpaper. So then the wallpaper get rip by scrapper sharp claws. I think the answer of why scrapper’s claws is sharp is because Mrs Wicket never trims scrapper’s claws. After that scrapper always ripped the wallpaper or when Mr Bean is standing on the ladder scrapper walks by and when he walks across his body touches the ladder then the ladder would shake. After all these things Mr Bean seems like dizzy because scrappers always distracts or disturbs Mr Bean. Following that Mr Bean tries to fix the cracks on the wall with some special glue (wall filler) Mrs Wicket walks by Mr Bean and touches the ladder and then the ladder shakes but the good thing is Mr Bean is safe and when Mrs Wicket opens the door Mr Bean finally could see outside but the bad news is Mrs Wicket closes the door.