Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus

gym dragon / cookie / mouse next class!! talk about body words


currently i dont get used to I haven’t gotten used to it yet / I’m not into Chinese food anymore 

fighting for getting themfighting for them / fighting to get them

I don’t know what the people are actually like

nobody outside here nobody is outside 

she lost interest to itlost interest in it


ingredients – the things you cook with
eg. I don’t have any ingredients to use to make a cake

nutritional content – everything that is in the food including chemicals

people act differently around their managers so the manager doesn’t have an accurate perception of their staff

my perception of them is different from how judy perceives them

greeting – hello / hi
eg. she didn’t even give me a greeting

I shot you a look / glance

fruit section / area 


greetings can go a long way – could have a big impact

we got off on the wrong foot – we started our interaction negatively

boarding place / house for cats
eg. she took the cat to a boarding house

it’s a test of your character

from the way she treats her cat you can tell how she would treat others / people

the cleanest, yummiest hotpot ever

my expectations of them

they can’t live up to my expectations

they’re choosing to not take care of the one thing they have control over 

have you ever been fat? have you always been skinny? 

wrist – where you wear your watch

knee – the middle boney part of your leg, that connects

pullups and pushups are my favourite exercises 


peers / ears / years
pears / pairs / hair / share / bear / aware

friend / head / bed / ted / fred / then

gem – jehhm
gym – jim