Online Class Notes (Jesse)


I had been in a business trip – I was on a business trip / I have been on a business trip

I was on a trip – I was before but not now
I have been on a trip – I experienced it and maybe am still doing it, but maybe not
I had been on a trip – I was doing it for a period BEFORE another past time
eg. When you called me yesterday at 9PM, I had been sleeping for 5 hours already.

he was late for around 5 mins he was 5 mins late

i’ll be back to shanghai – i’ll be heading back to SH / i’ll be back in SH

tragic (adj) / tragedy (n)

when I firstly came to SHthe first time that I came to SH / when I first came to SH 

he was commenting on / about another affair

that’s sooo not professional!

take it into account

during the party

after I had 
after having 


social signals / cues 

chasm – a really big gap “kasm”
eg. there was a chasm between us / separating us

he was on the road – driving / traveling
he was on the street – homeless

doing the laundry 

too friendlyover-friendly

business t-shirtpolo shirt 
business shirt / button-up shirt 

villain < > hero

having meals with clients is exhausting

no overlap in your lives you have nothing in common 

eventually you’re gonna run out of things to say 

it’s an ongoing process

I pay my own way – I support myself 

I need to put myself out there – take action, go out, be social

put sth in my drink / sb might spike my drink / put some date rape drug in my drink

token Asian
eg. I was the token asian at the university

the number of social experiences I had there was minimalÂ