Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus


Needs more review

awkward – a little bit “gan ga”

experience – “ecks peer ree yens” – jing li
eg. I have a lot of travel experience
eg2. I have a lot of experience drawing pictures of nature
eg3. I have a lot of experience speaking English with Jesse
eg4. I have so much experience watching Mr Bean being silly but not witty
eg5. I have a lot of hiking experience with my mum / my mum and I have a lot of hiking experience

Metro – di tie
eg. I took the metro to school today! It was very convenient!

convenient – fang bian
eg. driving is more convenient than taking the metro

convenience store – bian li dian

Writing exercise

Once upon a time a man makes a bread man. It is make of veggies, carrots, ham, grapes, and cucumber. After he eat a bread he goes to sleep. He dreads the bread man is alive and they plays a game. After that he wakes. Next, he makes a bread man again. Suddenly the bread alive so the man name it carrot nose. One day carrot nose is eat by a dog when the man notice it he is so sad.  Suddenly the bell ring! The man opens the door. The person which rang the door is the man friend, witch name is Sam, and the man witch opened the door, is name Ham. Sam says today is your birthday Ham, then Ham says oh I forgot it is my birthday. Next, Sam gives his present to Ham. Then they have a birthday party. After they end the party, Sam goes back home. The next day morning, Ham opens his present witch Sam gives him yesterday. In the box is another bread man and they live happily ever after. The end!


I am happy (adj)
I am alive (adj)

I like likes

he like likes

they like likes 

I / you / we / they do
He / she / it / Name does 


, – comma – pause when you see one! 

I went to school, and then I went home.
I went to school and, you went home.

While I am drawing, my mum is looking at me.
While mum looks at her phone, I am drawing.

I think Selene is a witty chocolate cookie, which is so funny, silly, and cute.

give – gave – given

witch – a woman with magic power that flies on a broom stick
which – it / make a sentence long

come to life – become alive

entertainment (n) – sth you do for fun
entertain (v)

situation – qing kuang – “sit you ay shen”
eg. When I go to school I meet many new people. Sometimes that situation is a little scary.

pipe – metal
tube – anything (plastic, metal, glass)


charades – “shar raydz”

grap – grap
grape – grayp


Speaking exercise

Mr Bean is in the bathroom, taking his bath. All of a sudden, the witty bird walked inside and use her beak to throw teddy away. After the bird throws teddy away, she jumps in the bathtub and pecks Mr Bean. They went to bed… same as when Mr Bean was taking a bath, the bird uses her beak to throw teddy away. Then the bird snuggles up to Mr Bean and switches the light off herself. 

Mr Bean is in the bathroom, taking his bath and all of a sudden, the witty bird walks inside and uses her beak to throw teddy away. After the bird throws him away / After he does that, she jumps into the bathtub and pecks Mr Bean. They go to bed and it was the same as when Mr Bean was taking a bath – the bird uses her beak to throw teddy away. Then the bird snuggles up to Mr Bean and gobbled the page up since on the page there was a worm or fish, and the bird sees it and thought it is something she could eat.