Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

Theres no secret that technology has became increasingly present in people’s life.we use different screens / multi screens to stay in touch with friends, work and for entertainment. Despite the connivence brought by technology, we are facing a digital burn out / Zoom Fatigue caused by long screen time. There are a mounting number of scientific studies which have shown that notifications on phone has a detrimental effect on attention and productivity. companies are exploring ways to avoid the distractions from multi screens.First clear boundaries, the solution is to manage your time gaps mindfully and refrain filling them by picking up the phone, which could temporarily entertain you by non stop social media.

It’s no secret that technology has became increasingly present in people’s lives. We use different screens / multiple screens to stay in touch with friends, work and for entertainment. Despite the convenience brought by technology, we are facing a digital burn out called “Zoom Fatigue” caused by excessive (amounts of) screen time. There is a mounting number of scientific studies which have shown that notifications on phones have a detrimental effect on attention and productivity so / and companies are exploring ways to avoid the distractions from multiple screens. First set clear boundaries – the solution is to manage your time gaps mindfully and refrain from filling them by turning to your phone / picking up phones / your phone, which could temporarily entertain you through non stop social media.


most of peoplemost people
most of the time 

what is time? – ask Einstein
what is the time? – 5PM

they don’t want to take leavesthey don’t want to take any leave / take days off / any days of leave off 

by / with / through
eg. I go to work by bike / I go to work by taking the metro
eg2. I write with my left hand
eg3. I learned English through my friends / through watching lots of shows


straight it out say it straight / be straight 

straighten it out – fix / make sth clean / tidy

adv – adverb 

COVID has further exacerbated our reliance on mobile technology

go back home to see my parents / go to visit my parents = go to my hometown
go home = go to my apartment / house

i’m distractive – i’m easily distracted 

zone out – when your brain goes into a different state
zoom – go closer / get further away


eg. he’s very hesitant