Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

The weekend started with great news: On Friday Julia and I took the first shot of covid-19 vaccine named BIBP and developed by the reliable Chinese lab Sinopharm. Over the day Julia felt pins and needles in her left arm as side effects. On my side, I felt tired during the whole afternoon. However, apart from that, no big deals or bad reactions related to the vaccine application. On the other day, I was able to ride my bike for three and half hours and I felt great. I started riding 35 km through the north part of Shanghai, the region which I like to refer to as the “inner Shanghai” because it’s completely different from downtown. Old cars, trucks fueled with diesel, loud horn and different buildings domain the landscape. I finished the morning ride going west and then back to the starting point.

The weekend started with (some) great news: On Friday, Julia and I took the first shot / dose of a / the covid-19 vaccine named BIBP and developed by the reliable Chinese lab Sinopharm. Over the course of the / throughout the / during the day Julia felt pins and needles in her left arm as a side effect. On my side, I felt tired during the whole afternoon. However, apart from that, (it was) no big deal and I didn’t have any bad reactions related to the vaccine shot / the vaccine / the vaccination. On The other day, I was able to ride my bike for three and half hours and I felt great. I rode 35 km through the north part of Shanghai, in the region which I like to refer to as the “inner Shanghai” because it’s completely different from downtown. Old cars, trucks fueled with diesel, loud horns and different buildings dominate / cover / are littered throughout the landscape. I finished the morning ride going west and then back to the starting point.


prepared – pre pairrd

overwhelmed – over welmd

hepititus – hep i tai tus 

tetunus – tet nus 


pick up / picked up

I’ve been asking to my colleagues – I’ve been asking my colleagues

apply sth – to make sth active / to put sth on
apply for sth – ask to be enrolled / ask to get sth


eg. I got 3 stitches in my hand

pin (sharp part, not for medicine) needle (the sharp part) / syringe (the whole thing)- the thing they use to put medicine in you

presense of mind / sense 
eg. they don’t have the presense of mind to look around

he felt faint / dizzy / light headed

age bracket ( ) [ ] [ 15-18 ] – [ 19 – 25 ]
eg. first they are vaccinating the 15-18 age bracket, and then they will do the other groups

effective (adj) / efficacy (n) / effectiveness (n)

jump through hoops! / making you go through a lot of red tape for no reason
eg. they’re making me jump through hoops