Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

A stranded ship at Suez Canal.
There comes quiet interesting news intrigues people around the world that there was an enormous / giant / mammoth ship named evergreen lodged diagonally across the Suez canal which is the busiest maritime route in the world, and made a blockage of the traffic, causing 10Bn dollars global trade lost daily. Although how serious the problem was, Netizen seems still enjoying using mimes mocking the whole process.

A Chinese Auntie and her road trip.
There is a Chinese ayi who went on a road trip for 7 months challenges Chinese women Norm cause internet sensation.Her main appeal is not the scenic vista she captures but her intimate disclosure / revelation of her marriages and domestic life that makes her a icon of feminist.

A stranded ship at Suez Canal.
There is some quiet interesting news which intrigues people around the world that there was an enormous / giant / mammoth ship named evergreen was / became lodged diagonally across the Suez canal which is the busiest maritime route in the world, and caused a blockage of the traffic, causing 10Bn dollars in / of global trade to be lost daily. Although the problem was quite serious, Netizens seem to be still enjoying using memes to mock the whole process.

A Chinese Auntie and her road trip.
There is a Chinese ayi who went on a road trip for 7 months which challenges the norm for the way Chinese women are expected to act and caused her to become an internet sensation. Her main appeal is not the scenic vista she captures but her intimate disclosure / revelation of her marriage and domestic life that makes her an icon of feminism.


Although the problem was very serious… = new information
Despite the seriousness of the problem… = assumed / already known

meme – a picture with mean
mime – to act without words

purposely / deliberately 

mishap – mistake

disgruntled – discontent / dissatisfied

you make sense / it makes sense

to hit the road – to go

damp – normal temperature and wet

stuff (v) – to push / put sth into sth quickly / carelessly


it doesn’t worth your 80 hours a week –  it’s not worth 80 hours a week


canal – “ka NAL”