Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Speaking exercise

Mr Bean is having the rest and he gets the phone calls and he goes to gives the pizza again. The pizza shop’s owner looks at pizza bean’s menu and he has an idea. He calls Mr Bean to make a pizza for him. Mr Bean goes to a big house to deliver the pizza and 2 people and Mr Bean goes to the pizza shop owner’s room, and then the owner rips up his menu and then tell him to stop running his pizza shop, and then he wants 2 people to hurt Mr Bean but he squats / ducks so 2 people is hit each other. Then, the owner chases Mr Bean and then they run to a balcony

Mr Bean is having a rest and he gets a phone call and he goes to deliver the pizza again. The pizza shop’s owner looks at pizza bean’s menu and he has an idea. He calls Mr Bean to order a pizza. Mr Bean goes to a big house / a mansion to deliver the pizza and 2 big men and Mr Bean goes to the pizza shop owner’s room, and then the owner rips up his menu and then tells him to stop running his pizza shop, and then he wants the 2 big men to hurt Mr Bean but he squats / ducks so the 2 big men (they) hit each other. Then, the owner chases Mr Bean and then they run to a balcony


owner – zhu ren
eg. many cats and dogs have owners

menu – cai dan

order – dian
deliver – song
eg. I ordered a pizza and they delivered it to me

mansion – very big house

rip up – to “break” some paper
eg. I ripped up the paper because I was angry

run a business – to be the owner of a business
eg. Richard runs the Lanese school for silly boys

squat / duck
eg. Mr Bean ducked and the men missed him

hit – da

balcony – 阳台
eg. I sit on the balcony and read a book