Online Class Notes (Jesse)


withdrawal – the problems you get when you stop taking drugs / medicine that you took for a long time
eg. I stopped smoking and I started having withdrawals / withdrawal symptoms

in limbo – in between 2 things, in the middle of nowhere
eg. I feel like I’m in limbo these days because I’m not satisfied with my current job, but I haven’t heard from the new one

indefinite waiting – maybe forever, unknown time
eg. I have to wait indefinitely for the visa

mediator – sb who sits in the middle and helps 2 people to sort out their issues
eg. I was the mediator for my parents

menopause – after 50 for women
eg. she’s going through menopause

bringing up the past

throw up – tu
throw – use your hand to make sth move in the air

he just went out / he just stormed out / he just left 

resent – to be angry with sb about sth from long ago
eg. I resent you for doing that to me

everything they have in common is related to me
they don’t share an interest in the same topics

to stay together / to be together / to spend time together 

do your own thing / they do their own thing 

sentimental – things that have emotional value rather than actual value / purpose

he’ll never take initiative to fix the problem

he exploded / he went off at me – suddenly get angry

I provoked him

microwave / microwave oven

it’s so easy to hurt the people we love / it’s the people we love that hurt you the most 

“you should never go to bed angry”

i hate problems that last more than a day 

to be on a short tether / it’s very easy for people to lose their shit!

he’s 15 years my junior < > i’m 15 years his senior 

over protective parents / he’s mollycoddled
eg. this kid is mollycoddled

prepare their kids for life 

he didn’t answer for quite a while 


lost her temper with my dad
i’m angry with him / at him

she’s stressfulstressed 

i didn’t be the one to fix the problem I wasn’t the one to fix the problem

she feels the topic was boring

take walk take a walk 

yell to him – speak loudly in his direction / addressing him
yell at him – to be angry and so yell

all the thing she care about is …all / the only thing she cares about is 


attributed – at TRIB you ted

contribution – con tri BYOU shen