Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

I looked up the word initiative in a dictionary. It has two meanings as a noun. For the first one it means a new plan or process to achieve sh. or solve a problem. For the 2nd one it means the ability to use one’s judgement to make decisions and do things without needing to be told what to do.

I also learned a phrase “take the initiativeâ€, which means to be the 1st one to do sth., esp. to solve a problem.

I think it’s quiet important to take a initiative at work if you want to make a great achivement in your career path. I found an article telling people the tips on how to take a ini. According to the article, The ability of taking a ini. is a game changing habit that can help you to stand out at work. There are many ways to have ini. at work. For example, you can seek more responsibilities before your boss tell you to do. you can also be volunteering for leadership roles in projects. Helping other such as offering to mentor junior staffs or new hires is another great way to show your leadship and strengthen your network in a company.

I looked up the word initiative in a dictionary. It has two meanings as a noun. For the first one it means a new plan or process to achieve sth. or solve a problem. For the 2nd one it means the ability to use one’s judgement to make decisions and do things without needing to be told what to do.

I also learned a phrase “take the initiativeâ€, which means to be the 1st one to do sth., esp. to solve a problem.

I think it’s quite important to take a initiative at work if you want to achieve great things / greatness in your career / on your career path / advance along your career path / work your way up in your career. I found an article telling people the tips on how to take initiative. According to the article, The ability of taking initiative is a game changing habit that can help you to stand out (from the crowd) / set yourself apart (from others) / to get ahead at work. There are many ways to take initiative at work. For example, you can seek more responsibilities before your boss tells you what to do / instructs you / before being told what to do by your boss / receiving instructions from your boss, you can also / it would also be an (a good) idea to volunteer / i would suggest volunteering for leadership roles / to take leading roles in projects. Helping others such as offering to mentor junior staff or new hires is another great way to show your leadship skills and strengthen your network in a company.


our brains evolved to be like that

him or her / she or he = they

active – doing things / taking action
positive – feeling of good / happy / nice

ambition (n)
ambitious (adj)

teach me directly 

lead by example – for someone to teach you indirectly through you watching how they do things naturally
eg. my boss led by example for most of his staff so we learned a lot from him

coffee barcafe – “ka FAY” – ka fei guan


few of people would like to take initiative few people like to take initiative / naturally take initiative 

I will let them to work withI will let them work with sbÂ