Online Class Notes (Jesse) [7.5]

Needs more review

I have many students and Hanks is the best = I have many students with Hanks being the best

which = it

MB goes home with Mrs Wicket killing him
Hanks went to Japan with him going to Mario Land.


pain – noun
hurt – verb
eg. I have a lot of pain in my hand
eg2. I have a lot of money in my wallet
eg3. my hand hurts a lot

tooth hurty = 2:30 – go to the dentist


I go
You go
He goes
MB goes
it goes

I went / I ate / I knew / I threw

know / knew / known
throw / threw / thrown
feel / felt / felt 



drawers – “draws” – a set of drawers

the cat curls up on the mattresses

window frame

the mattresses are leaking air 


f = teeth
th = tongue

Speaking exercise

and / but / so / because / when / which / who / with sth being 

MB saw that it was a fish and then he threw it away. When he looked at the clock it was 2:30. Then he ate a piece of toast. When he ate it he felt pain in his teeth and he yelled because his tooth hurt a lot.

He ties a string on his tooth and he pulls the string because he wants the tooth to come out but the tooth does not come out. He ties the string on the door handle and then he kicks the door because he wants the tooth to come out but the string is too long so he uses a tape measure to measure the string. He pulls the door back and then he kicks the door but the door handle falls down. He is angry and hit his tooth but it hurts a lot