Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Needs more review

willing – you can do / are happy to do / will do

desperate – really urgent / something you need to do RIGHT NOW!!

service – fu wu (服务)

paranoid – to imagine things that are wrong, but they’re actually not

quarter – 25 cents in America


acknowledge – to show someone you understand something
eg. I acknowledged that Selene said hello.

nudge – a little push

noogie – to use your finger nuckle to push into someone’s head or back

insult – to say something that upsets someone like “you’re very stupid!!”

window seat
isle seat
eg. Mr Bean was sitting in the isle seat.

recliner – a chair like the one in your grandparent’s house

Speaking exercise

Mr Bean come out of his car then he saw a bird and he says gogogo then the bird flew away. Then, Mr Bean go inside. Next he accidentally fell on something then he saw Mrs Wicket and her friend was doing something. He asks what they are doing, they said we are going to watch a movie or some dance thing. Then Mrs Wicket’s friend want to see what did mr bean slip on then when he go down, her back have a little bit problem, then Mr Bean said I know what to do then he lift mrs wicket’s friend up and then shake her, then when he put her down again he ask her how do you feel, then mrs wicket’s friend said worse. Following that, Mr Bean said to Mrs Wicket, wait a minute then he run upstairs and he put some white powder on his head to make his hair to just like be white but it’s actually black. Then he puts something in his pants, then he come downstairs and get the walking stick and come out and Mrs Wicket said “hello friend” then he go with Mr Bean.

Mr Bean comes out of his car then he sees a bird and he says gogogo then the bird flies away. Then, Mr Bean goes inside. Next he accidentally falls on something then he sees Mrs Wicket and her friend are going somewhere. He asks what they are doing, they says we are going to watch a movie or some dance thing. Then Mrs Wicket’s friend wants to see what did mr bean slip on then when he goes down, her back hurt a little, then Mr Bean says I know what to do then he lifts mrs wicket’s friend up and then shakes her, then when he puts her down again he asks her how do you feel, then mrs wicket’s friend says worse. Following that, Mr Bean says to Mrs Wicket, wait a minute then he runs upstairs and he puts some white powder on his head to make his hair look white but it’s actually black. Then he puts something in his pants, then he comes downstairs and gets the walking stick and comes out and Mrs Wicket says “hello friend” then he goes with Mr Bean.