VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [5]


I thought this cup of drink is here.
I think that cup of drink is good


day off – bu shang ban
eg. I have a day off on Monday

holiday – Christmas / New Year

here / there
this / that 

this is a drink
that is a phone

I am here
You are there 

Where are you?

face mask

chemist warehouse – yao fang can ku




I drink some tea

near – jin
far – yuan

be = am / is / are / were / was …
I am here
It is here
It is in the office / It is in here.
I am at work

he is good
she is good

I like him
I like her 

I drink once (yi ci)
I drink again 

You can drink again.
You can come again.


I want to a drink
I want to drink
to – 2 X 动词

I drink a drink
I want to drink a drink
I want to drink a coffee

I need to drink a cup of coffee


artarmon – ar tar men
apartment – a part ment

walked – kt
wanted – ted

miss = miss
mix = mi ks

plane – plaeeeeen


Speaking exercise

I got up at 9 o’clock because I needed to go to buy a mask in the chemist / pharmacy / in chemist warehouse and my lunch was salmon and I bought (some) salmon in a sushi shop. The sushi shop is there. It is near here.


Oh, no, Jason thought (think). The dog wanted (want) to go out. The dog had to go to the bathroom. If he lived in a house, he could let the dog go out the door and into the yard. But he lived in an apartment. He didn’t have a yard. He had to take the dog for a walk. But if he took the dog for a walk, he would miss his favorite TV show. The dog scratched at the door again. Jason turned off the TV.

Jenna was at the airport. She was waiting for her plane. Her plane would leave at 7 p.m. It was only 2 p.m. She had time to eat. She had time to study. She went to the airport restaurant.

The restaurant was on the third floor. The restaurant was full. There were no empty seats. There were no empty tables. She didn’t want to stand in line. She didn’t want to wait. There was another restaurant in the airport. It was on the first floor. She went down to the first floor. That restaurant was almost empty. There were many seats and many tables.