Online Class Notes (Jesse)


phineas and ferb

Needs more review

competitor – opponent

succeed (v) / success (n) – cheng gong
eg. if you succeed, you will be happy
eg2. I have a lot of success in my class with Homework Kimi (HK)


sticky rice dumpling – zong zi

the house is destroyed / falls down / is demolished 


because + sentence
because of + noun
eg. I am wet because it is raining.
eg2. I am wet because of the rain.

Speaking exercise

How to get a 3rd gold star

  1. make great sentences 
    1. use: and / but / so / because / when / which / who / where / after / before / meanwhile
    2. try not to say “MB / MW / The cat” all the time – say: he / she / it / them / they etc

The man want to use the wrecking ball machine to destroy the house but it can’t because the WBM is too short. It cannot hit the HH. MB wants to take the ball of the HH stairs. He think he had to take the ball back. He broke the stairs to pull the ball. Then all because the stair break, all the HH fall. MB was very confused. He run out of the HH and the HH is demolished. The 2 children and the man was very surprised. I thought that the children and the man think that MB had to use a bomb to destroy this house but it’s only because of the stairs were broken.

The man wants to use the wrecking ball machine to destroy the house but it can’t because the WBM is too short so it cannot hit the HH. MB wants to take the ball of the HH stairs. He thinks he has to take the ball back. He breaks the stairs to pull the ball off / out. Then all because the stairs break, all the HH falls. MB is very confused. He runs out of the HH and the HH is demolished. The 2 children and the man are very surprised. I think that the children and the man think that MB has to use a bomb to destroy this house but it’s only because of the stairs are broken.