Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Writing exercise

At night when MB is sleeping in his car which is small he sees MW’s house that he lived before, so he feels miserable and cries. Suddenly he sees a sign on the window that says room for rent and he thinks of a way to live there again so he feels rejoice about it. Following that he takes off the glasses, fake teeth, hat and clothes from the SC and there is only a stick and a piece of cloth left. After that MB puts on all the things which are from the SC and walks toward MW’s house, his shadow reflects on the door and it is terrifying. Then, MW opens the door and lets MB in, her cat stares at MB fiercely. I think this is because it knows the smell of him, and notices that it is him. She brings him to the room where there are a bed, a closet, a couch and a clock. I think MW will notice him later.

At night when MB is sleeping in his car which is small / really cramped he sees MW’s house that he lived in before, so he feels miserable and cries / bawls / sobs. Suddenly he sees a sign on the window that says room for rent and he thinks of a way / ponders a way / wonders about a way to live there again so he rejoices. Following that he takes off the glasses, fake teeth, hat and clothes from the SC and there is only a stick and a piece of cloth left. After that he puts on everything which is from the SC and walks toward MW’s house, his shadow reflects on the door and it is terrifying. Then, when she opens the door and lets him in, her cat stares at him fiercely. I think this is because it knows the smell of him, and notices that it is him. She brings him to the room where there are a bed, a closet, a couch and a clock. I think MW will discover him later.