Online Class Notes (Jesse)


How are you / How’s it going? / How’re you doing? 

5 – Great
4 – Very good / really good
3 – Good / Pretty good
2 – Not bad / Fine / Just OK (so so)
1 – Not great / Not very good

And you? / What about you? / How about you? 

The total was 150 and I got 115.5 out of 140

I think = I suppose / I guess / I reckon / In my view / In my opinion 

I want to travel to the UK = It would be amazing if I could travel to the UK / I would absolutely love to … / It is my dream to … 

I can speak English = I am able to speak English / I have the ability to speak English

If I have a phone, I can call my friend = having a phone gives me the ability to call my friend / having a phone allows me to call my friend / having a phone results in me being able to call my phone

enthusiastic – passionate / energy / willing

observant – someone who notices things and sees special things when they look around

fascinated – very interested in sth


I think I lose too much at grammar – I think I lost too many in grammar (in the grammar part of the exam)

in this part of the exam

many – countable
much – uncountable


I have eaten many ice creams
I have eaten a lot of ice cream 

there is so good! – it is really good there

there is a cup of water on the table

there are many people outside  

there are many problems with my ipad 

which = “and it”
eg. I went to beijing where is the capital of China.

where = “and at that place / and in that place / and on that thing”
eg. I went to Beijing and in Beijing I saw many people. = I went to Beijing where I saw many people.
eg2. I went to a park and in that park there were so many dogs running around = I went to a park where there were so many dogs running around.

I have a friend who is very fat.
I have a friend who is as tall as me / is as old as me.
I have a friend who is the same age as me
my = wo de …
mine = wo de ____

They have a child. He or she is as old as me. = They have a child who is as old as me.

I speak English well
I run fast / I run slowly
I get along with you =
I get along well with you

Always happy, Nicole is jumping around the house, dancing.


an enjoyable
an 8 (eight) year old boy – first letter is a vowel