Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Needs more review

fish steak / fillet of fish

I have a big appetite


antibiotics – medicine to kill bacteria

let / make 
I make Jamen do homework = force – he doesn’t want to, I say you MUST.
I let Jamen play games  = allow – he wants to do it and I say OK

do you wear contacts?
do you wear contact lenses?


I drink this water – present
This water is drunk by me

I drank this water – past
This water was drunk by me

I will drink this water – future
This water will be drunk by me

If there was a customer who wanted eye thermage, I could do it for them / I would put the shield by myself

if there is a customer who wants to do X
if there is a thing which is good

he do nothing – he doesn’t do anything

I like it < > I don’t like it


contact lenses – “kon takt len zez” 

shield – “shee llld

can’t – “karnt

Speaking exercise

We went to cosco in Lidcombe. We joined the membership which is CC membership and the cost is $65. It’s my first time to visit there. We spent $400 to buy a lot of snacks. Steven wanted to go there so we just go there, take a look. We bought a lot of tissues and toilet paper for the shop. A lot of people running restaurants or coffee shop. She came australia last year to help me and jamen for a few months. Last September to December. She talked to me if my father will come with her, she will.

We went to cosco in Lidcombe and we joined the membership which is CC membership and the cost was $65 / which cost $65. It was my first time to visit there and we spent $400 to buy a lot of snacks as well as groceries. Steven wanted to go there so we just went there to take a look. We bought a lot of tissues and toilet paper for the shop / salon. I guess a lot of people there are running restaurants or coffee shops. She came to Australia last year to help me and Jamen for a few months which was last September to December. She told me if my father will come with her, she will.