Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Needs more review

prisoner – the bad man who is in prison


ingredients  – cai liao

light bulb
eg. He takes out the light bulb

he feels around in the dark

! – exclamation mark 

. – dot / point / full stop / period

I teach and I’m a teacher.
You learn and you’re a learner.
He goes to prison / jail / gaol so he’s a prisoner.

escape – run away!!

wanted poster 

my scores / marks are the best in my class


he don’t want – he doesn’t want

he won’t see him very good – he won’t see him very well

I am good (adj – adjective)
I see well (adv – adverb)

The adverb and adjective dance and song – Written by Jessica

I have a pen which is black.
My pen is black and it is on my table. = My pen, which is black, is on my table.

Where is your pen and paper? My pen, which is black, is on the table but my paper, which is white, is on the ground. 

Where is your mum? My mum, who is cute, is next to me. 

Speaking exercise

When MB will open the door, the prisoner takes out the light bulb and he hides under the bed because he doesn’t want MB to see him very well so he won’t know he’s under the bed and he also won’t know the clothes changed to the clothes which is the prisoner’s clothes. MB wants to turn on the light but he can’t so he just can go to bed but first put on the clothes which is prisoner’s clothes but he didn’t realise that it is the prisoner’s clothes and he just goes to bed. He can’t sleep very well because under there there’s the prisoner so there’s a hump on his bed. He rolls around / he tosses and turns but he still can’t sleep and he takes his blanket and he makes the hump flat. Then he goes to sleep again with his teddy.