Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30 min]


Today is halloween and the students go to have a parade. In the parade, they see a girl called Emily’s underwear and they laugh so Emily cries and she runs away from the playground and then they go to their home. At night, Aj and ….. go to trick or treating at their teacher, Mrs Patty’s house, last and it’s like a haunted house which is creepy. Mrs Patty says the candy is in her basement so they go there and see all of their classmates are in the basement. It seems like they are just waiting for them because they’re the last 3 students to arrive. And then a zombie climbs out of a box and holds his head but the school’s principal comes and hits the zombie.

Speaking exercise

Mr Bean watches a f1. He think the car racers are cool so he uses a plate and pretends to be a car racer, and then Mr Bean girlfriend comes to the apartment and she brings a bottle of wine and her purse. She ding dong a doorbell which is for Mr Bean’s room but the doorbell is quiet so he does not open the door. After that Mrs Wicket goes into the apartment and takes a groceries so she takes Mr Bean’s girlfriend in the house. Mr Bean girlfriend knocks the door but Mr Bean still doesn’t hears her. When she is angry, she opens the door and turns off the TV.

Mr Bean watches an f1 car race on TV in his room at home. He thinks the car racers are cool so he uses a plate to pretend to be a car racer. When he is watching the f1 car race, Mr Bean‘s / his girlfriend comes to the apartment which Mr Bean lives in, and she brings a bottle of wine and her purse. She rings the doorbell which is for Mr Bean’s room but it is too quiet so he does not open the door. When his girlfriend is waiting, Mrs Wicket goes into the apartment and takes some / a bag of groceries so she takes Mr Bean’s girlfriend into the house. Mr Bean‘s girlfriend knocks on the door but Mr Bean still doesn’t hear the sound, which makes her really angry. When she is angry, she opens the door and turns off the TV.


pretend – to act like sth you are not

groceries – things you buy for the house to use every day
eg. Mrs Wicket went grocery shopping