Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


I went to school then back home from school and then I went to the restaurant eat the dinner.

We take it to home eat.

Speaking exercise

Dragon puts the dinner in the oven but Kitty gets distracted because she is drawing the picture but she needs to look for the food and when Dragon takes the dinner out of the oven the food are burned. When Dragon puts food on the table Kitty eats a bit of the food. She chews and chews. Then she thinks it’s taste bad.

Dragon puts the dinner in the oven but Kitty gets distracted because she is drawing the picture. I think Kitty loves drawing and she is not good at cooking. She needs to watch / look at the food and when Dragon takes the dinner out of the oven the food is burned. When Dragon puts food on the table Kitty eats a bit of the food. Then when she chews and chews, and she thinks it tastes bad because the cheese is off. Cooking is very hard for Kitty. 


look for = you want to find it

look at = focus on sth with your eyes
watch = look at carefully / it’s moving / sth will change


Learning English is easier than dancing

I am 38 years old. Joey is 9 years old.
eg. Jesse is older than me.
eg2. Joey is younger than Jesse.


harder = more hard 

younger = more young

dancing is 5
learning english is 2

ter rible

she wants Dragon teach she againshe wants Dragon to teach her again.

I talk to him
He talks to me

I talk to her
She talks to me

He talks to her
She talks to him
