Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30] [49]

Next Class Focus

ing verbs + verb nouns

Writing exercise

Next day Kitty says I feel better thank you for the hot tea, fish noodle soup and warm blanket. Dragon smiles and they go fly the kite together. But when they go back to the home Dragon have got the cold.

The next day Kitty says I feel better thank you for the hot tea, fish noodle soup and warm blanket. Dragon smiles and they go to fly the kite together. But when they go back to the home. Dragon have gets the cold.


the next day = the day after that day

cherry / cherries 

pancake – song bing

my dad takes out the garbage

chore – work you need to do at home like cooking, cleaning

chore chart 


who does all the cooking? Dragon does all the cooking

I like food, like apples (noun)
I like chores, like cleaning (verb noun)

Speaking exercise

which / who / when / because 

On the weekend we went to eat lunch and we went back home. We ate BBQ for lunch and it was delicious. We watched TV and we went out to play. Next we picked cherries and it was fun.

Kitty likes eat. She is good at it. Dragon like cook. He is good at it. One day, Kitty looks at the chore chart and she sees the Dragon do the cook all year so she says I will make breakfast today. Kitty never cook and she takes some egg out of the fridge. Next she cracks the egg into the pan and he chops onion and peppers and she puts them into the egg.

Kitty likes eating / to eat and Dragon likes cooking / likes to cook. They are both good at it. One day, Kitty looks at the chore chart and she sees the Dragon does the cooking all year so she says I will make breakfast today because she knows the dragon is very busy. Kitty never cooks and she takes some eggs out of the fridge. Next she cracks the eggs into the pan and when she chops onion and peppers and she puts them into the pot.