Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


where = and at that place
eg. I went to a park and in that park there were many people = I went to a park where there were many people
eg2. I went to a school yesterday and I study English at that school = I went to a school yesterday where I study English


we are nearwe are near each other

we doubt our classmates – we suspected one of my classmates

we don’t know where is my book – we don’t know where my book is
where is my book?

recently it has happened a few times 


because = as
eg. I am tired because I didn’t sleep last night = I am tired as I didn’t sleep last night

made of
made from
eg. The bed is made of wood. It is made from sticks, leaves, …..

door chain 

cosplay – costume play

wear a costume – fun
disguise sb – to trick sb

MB wears a costume to trick MW / MB disguises himself to trick MW


close – /cloze

Speaking exercise

MB drives his car in front of MW’s house. Then he has an idea. He takes off the clothes (pr) which are on the scarecrow and disguises (pr) himself. Next, he knocks …. MW’s door and MW open the door chain so MB comes in. He walks around the cat and goes upstairs but when he talks with MW he has a high voice so MW suspects MB so MB talks low voice at once and says “very nice”.

Writing exercise

MB takes off the carrot which is on the SC. Then he puts it into the pot and stretches. At night MB goes bed and he covers the leaves quilt on himself but then it begins raining so MB has to get into the car and he cries, but suddenly he sees a rent house. He is happy again.

MB takes off the carrot which is on the SC because he wants to put it in the soup because it’s too sour and he wants to add the carrot which is sweeter. Then he puts it into the pot and stretches. At night he goes to bed and he covers himself with the quilt which is made of leaves / made from leaves but then it begins raining / begins to rain so MB has to get into the car and he cries as he wants to go home, but suddenly he sees a rental house where MW lives so he is happy again.