Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review

air conditioner – kong tiao

helicopter – like a plane but can fly up and stay in one place


idle game 


knockout competition 
eg. you get knocked out if you lose

jail / prison 

he wants to escape prison

the alarm (deedoordeedoor) goes off  



you don’t have many money – you don’t have much money

it’s too more it’s too much

she didn’t care me – she didn’t care about me / take care of it 

Speaking exercise

There is a prisoner who looks like MB. He tries to escape prison and there is an alarm so the policeman blows the whistle and the helicopter is looking for the prisoner so the prisoner puts the part of the wall in the jail wall, and he runs away. Meanwhile MB is going to sleep and he hears the sound so he looks out. When he sees there is a helicopter, he close the blind. FF